Carriers Finds Confidence in Raw, New Single

Carriers founder Curt Kiser finds confidence in new, raw single, ‘Without You.”

Videos by American Songwriter

Artist and founder of Carriers, Curt Kiser had been in and out of a few bands before finally landing on the adoption of Carriers with the help of some friends.

The Cincinnati-based artist was prepared to hit the ground running this year, but of course, there has been some halts to his 2020 plans. Regardless, he has written and recorded a new song, “Without You,” which will be his first single released since his debut LP.

“’Without You’ is one of the first songs I wrote this year, about a month before my city officially shut down. I had so many plans for 2020. I just turned 30, was ready to go record my second album and hit the road again. Plans change, but I’ve been impacted for the better by this time of distant connection,” says Kiser. “Also, it’s been truly humbling to see the reach of my music after having listeners contact me from around the world asking how they can be supportive while everything’s on hold.”

Kiser released his debut LP, “Now Is The Time For Loving Me, Yourself & Everyone Else,” in 2019. Similar to his debut, this single is focused on the reflection Kiser has done on his work and his life. Because he had to record the song in a new space, Kiser took a different approach when recording “Without You.”

“This is a really exciting premier for me because it’s the first time I’ve had the confidence to release a home recording. I wanted to keep it simple, fast and raw while letting the synth be the driving force. I used a Yamaha CS1x that I found last year at a local pawn shop and an old 60’s Goya that was handed down to me.”

“I usually pass my work through a few trusted hands to make something sound the best that it can, but it’s cool trusting more of my own process while fully realizing this single in a more stripped-down setting.”

This song reveals a true and honest version of Kiser that maybe he didn’t even realize was inside of him ready to break out.

It’s important to learn to appreciate yourself and the things you have in life. Now that the world has been in quarantine and loved ones have to be separated, many may be experiencing the same emotions that kiser has been feeling with this single.

The lyrics ‘I don’t want to do this without you’ have definitely taken on new meaning over the past few months. I wrote it thinking about what I’ve learned and how I’ve grown in my own life, but I think there is a universal message of reflecting on relationships you might take for granted and holding close the ones you cherish.”

“Without You” is available to listen to down below: