Song Premiere: Rhiannon Giddens,Charly Lowry and Pura Fé, “We Rise”

The Artist: Rhiannon Giddens
of the Carolina Chocolate Drops collaborates with Charly Lowry and Pura Fé for the Music Maker Relief Foundation’s 20th Anniversary.
The Song: the gospel-influenced, a cappella “We Rise.”
Fun Fact: The Music Makers Relief Foundation is a non-profit that preserves the musical heritage of the south and supports struggling blues and traditional musicians.
Songwriter Says: “Tim Duffy let me know that Pura Fé was recording at Music Maker and encouraged me to write a song for her,” says Giddens. “I wrote ‘We Rise’ with the memory of the sounds of her old group Ulali in my ears, and with the plight of so many women around the world in my mind.  I finished it on the car ride from Greensboro to Hillsboro, taught it to Pura Fé  and Charly Lowry, and we got it in a couple of takes.”

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