Videos by American Songwriter
This year’s epic season of American Idol is drawing to a close. Jacob Lusk, we hardly knew ye. Next year, can it please be hosted by Geddy Lee, Cyndi Lauper, and Janet Jackson? Just a suggestion.
Tonight’s episode saw the two youngest contestants ever going head to head in the top Two: Scotty vs. Lauren in a battle of the sweet southern kids who are just trying to do their mamas proud. Sure, they’re both pretty much pros by now. The real question is this — can a soulful but stationary baritone male country voice compete with an emotive, dexterous, sweet female country voice? We’ll know the answer to that on Wednesday. Think long and hard, America.
As the show started, we learned that Lauren had burnt out a vocal chord in rehearsal. Drama! The fact that she was competing hurt was the x-factor (no pun intended) that just might propel this 16-year-old cheerleader’s journey towards a storybook ending. Lauren seemed to best Scotty at every turn, although he sang his favorite song of the season, Montgomery Gentry’s “Gone,’ like he’d written it. During the second round of sing-offs, Carrie Underwood chose Pam Tillis’ “Maybe It Was Memphis” for her girl, and George Strait handpicked his own “Check Yes or No” for Scotty to warble (smooth move, Strait.)
It was all riding on round 3, where the contestants sang their prospective debut singles – “I Love You This Big” for Scotty, and “Like My Mother Does” for Lauren. And it doesn’t matter how much apple pie you want to bring; nothing competes with Mom.
Prediction: Lauren wins it. That last song had tears, Ryan Seacrest, and a hug with mom mid-song.
Said Randy Jackson: “Lauren Alaina has arrived, America. That was amazing!”
J. Lo: “Lauren, with that song, you might have just won.”
Steven Tyler: “You are ‘it’ in my eyes.”
Best part of the show? 2008 winner David Cook singing a totally not ironic at all “Don’t You Forget About Me” right before the credits. You remember him, right?
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Who’s going to win? Who should win? Let us know in the comments.
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