Review: The Delevantes Exemplify a Brotherly Bond

The Delevantes/A Thousand Turns/Moon River Records
4.5 out of Five Stars

Videos by American Songwriter

First, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Brother bands make for a formidable combination. That’s a legacy that goes way back to the Stanley Brothers of bluegrass fame, those architects of rock and roll, the Everly Brothers and the Beach Boys, and continuing through the fractious unions of the Kinks’ Ray and Dave Davies, Chris and Rich Robinson of the Black Crowes, and Liam and Noel Gallagher, the fearsome twosome at the helm of Oasis.

The Delevantes exemplify the best these sibling scenarios have to offer—close-knit harmonies, a common cause as far melodic make-up is concerned and the ability to create an emphatic impression with every offering. That’s never been more evident than in A Thousand Turns, a dynamic new effort that rings and resonates at every one of those turns. Echoes of the Everlys are never far from the surface, not simply because the recent passing of Phil Everly is etched firmly in the collective consciousness, but also because Bob and Mike Delevante find a similar kind of synergy in their vocal presence and an ability to weave impossibly infectious melodies that seem to linger in the ethos and are only now being shared with us all.

Happily too, with fourteen songs in all, quality is clearly equal to quantity. In fact, there’s not a single offering that doesn’t resonate both effortlessly and effusively. Credit honorary Delevantes, Gary Tallent and Dave Coleman, for providing the drive and delivery so evident throughout, from the album’s soaring opening anthem, “All in All” through to the final illuminating entry, “I See.” 

In-between, the stand-outs are practically too many to mention, but if one were forced to single them out specifically, “The Light of Your Eyes,” “If You Let It,” “Dear Kate,” “Deeper Share of Blue,” and “A Lot on My Mind” definitely deserve a mention. The ringing sound of 12 string guitars, the supple sound of pedal steel, and a seemingly non-stop supply of compelling choruses impact the proceedings, allowing each offering to make an indelible impression and allow a welcome return with each successive listen. 

Granted, the Delevantes don’t have the notoriety of the aforementioned brother bands, despite a collective career that goes back over three decades. Part of the reason can be traced to a relative dearth of ongoing offerings (only four so far, although Bob has done some on his own). Hopefully, then, A Thousand Turns will improve that situation a thousand-fold. It is, in a word, simply superb.