Ray Fulcher Opens American Songwriter’s 2023 November/December Issue as Guest Editor

Written by Ray Fulcher

Videos by American Songwriter

Songwriting: What it is and What it Isn’t

I got asked a question recently that I didn’t outright know my own answer to. The question was, “What does songwriting mean to you?” It struck me in that moment that I didn’t really know what to say, so I’ve been thinking about that question in the days since. What I found is that my answer was pretty complicated. It really is so many things. Maybe even more important, however, is what it is NOT. So, here goes. What it is and what it isn’t according to yours truly.  

It’s a blank canvas. One of the coolest parts about writing songs is THERE ARE NO RULES.  Sure, there are basic structure concepts, but we as writers get to write about anything we want and get to say it how we want to say it. As humans, we all have our own stories, and songwriting allows us to tell those in any way we want. I try to remind myself daily to lean into that thing that makes me different and go to those places. Draw outside the lines

It’s a puzzle. Sometimes, when I write, I wonder to myself, “How in the world am I/are we going to take this idea and make it perfect with absolutely zero direction to start it?” Sometimes, it seems almost impossible. Then, out of nowhere, some amount of hours or writing sessions later… there it is. The thing that had a million pieces and no blueprint is somehow complete as one whole, unique piece. The words, the melodies, the phrases, and the hooks are all pieces of this puzzle. I try to challenge myself every day to put those pieces together to make a completed puzzle that the world will remember.  

It’s your high school best friend. Ya know, the one who you may not talk to every day or even every month, but when you get together, it feels just like it always has. The one whom you’ve probably wanted to fist-fight with at times, but also the same one who knows all your deepest darkest secrets and would walk 1,000 miles and back if you needed them to? Yes, that’s songwriting for me. I don’t always bring my A-game. I don’t always feel like I’m writing my best songs. Sometimes, I get really frustrated from grinding through my uninspired days of songwriting. But, if I keep working, usually I’ll run into a song that I know I’ll be proud of for the rest of my days. That’s the high school best friend. One of those that feel like home no matter how long you’ve been gone. At that moment, I remember why I started.  

It isn’t a choice. This dream, this journey, this constant pursuit of a song that will speak to someone and affect their life forever. Nah, that’s not a choice for me. This calling was put into my heart a long time ago, and it’s part of my DNA. I believe that we’re each given our own gift or gifts, and for whatever reason, this was given to me. I couldn’t change if I tried and, honestly, I wouldn’t want to. We are the chosen ones. The ones who get to take people’s pain, triumph, parties, love, and opinions and put them into songs that speak their truth without ever even meeting them. I take that responsibility seriously, and I’ll continue to run to it and try to make the most of it every day.  After all, it was never my decision anyway.  

Thank You,
Ray Fulcher

Photo by Cory Miller