Mink’s Miracle Medicine Share New Video for “Somebody Else By Your Name”

Photo courtesy of the artist

West Virginia roots rockers Mink’s Miracle Medicine make stripped-down, no-frills DIY folk. On “Somebody Else By Your Name,” a new cut off their recently released album House of Candles, the duo of Melissa Elizabeth Wright and Daniel Zezeski confront the loss of an important relationship with reverb-drenched vocals, a twangy Western guitar riff and a slow, ominous shuffle. A new video for the tune is fittingly trippy, reflecting the hard-learned lessons of the lyrics before reconciling into something a little brighter.

Videos by American Songwriter

“We framed a wall in our backyard and tacked up some insulation boards to capture the ‘Somebody Else By Your Name’ video,” Wright says. “I’m standing front and center, the protagonist of the song, beginning gloomy and pale, as the painter arrives. The painter turns the stark scene into one of color and beauty in the mountains of West Virginia.”

Watch “Somebody Else By Your Name” below.