Daily Discovery: Wesley Jensen, “San Francisco”

WesleyJDaily Discovery is presented by The Pub Deal. Win a $20,000 Publishing Contract from Secret Road Music Publishing, deadline April 2014.

Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Wesley Jensen and The Penny Arcade

SONG: San Francisco

BIRTHDATE: May 5, 1987



AMBITIONS: The sky is the limit, but I’ll keep making records and playing either way

TURN-OFFS: “Man-voice”, Budweiser, bad drivers

TURN-ONS: Pet Sounds, Belgian beer, sour candy

DREAM GIG: Playing with Brian Wilson, Neil Young, or headlining Coachella

FAVORITE LYRIC: Thats tough… favorite lyricists are easier- Neil, Dylan, Tweedy, Petty, Bowie, Brian Wilson, Ryan Adams, Gillian Welch, and Lucinda Williams are always good (and I’m sure I’m missing some more of my favorites)

CRAZIEST PERSON I KNOW: Ryan Gillespie (our drummer), hes always up to something.

SONG I WISH I WROTE: Again, really tough, I’d say “God Only Knows” by the Beach Boys. Great tune, big hit, and the best breakdown ever

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: I’m cheating, here is my top 7: Brian Wilson, Neil Young, Jeff Tweedy, Bill Murray, Garret Oliver, Larry David and Wes Anderson

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: I’ve been fortunate to catch some amazing concerts but my favorite experience was on the last Beach Boys tour. Greek Theatre in Berkeley, CA. A mature Brian Wilson sang “I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times” with Carl, Dennis, and a Pet Sounds montage rolling in the background. It was very emotional and entirely amazing

I WROTE THIS SONG: Driving back from a concert in San Louis Obispo. Missing my wife, the ride home always feels like forever. San Francisco is the halfway point. Yada yada yada, the song was born.



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