Daily Discovery: Roo Panes, “Where I Want To Go”

Roo_Mary Francis

Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Roo Panes

SONG: “Where I Want To Go”

HOMETOWN: Wimborne, Dorset

CURRENT LOCATION: Backwards and forwards

AMBITIONS: Live a life worth living. Write music worth writing. Bring good into the world.

TURN-OFFS: Show-offs, attention-seekers.

TURN-ONS: Kindness, quiet people with a lot to say.

DREAM GIG: Wembley Stadium.

FAVORITE LYRIC: There are very many! But here’s one. Noah and The Whale – “What you share with the world is what it keeps of you.”

SONG I WISH I WROTE: “It’s Alright, Ma” – Bob Dylan

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Ernest Shackleton, Edward Elgar, and Jesus.

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Playing to a sold-out audience at a candlelit place called the Union Chapel in London.


Often we think we need a grand plan, but life doesn’t always work that way, especially as a musician! I wondered whether life is less about destination than the journey. It feels like we never really arrive at a place, life keeps moving us on, and so happiness, or our sense of arrival, needs to be portable. I found this a strangely comforting train of thought, i don’t need to do anything other than make the correct choice in the here and now to make the right step for tomorrow. ‘Further than the eye can see but nearer than the air i breathe, i don’t need to see the end to follow you all the way my friend.’