Daily Discovery: Peru The Band, “I Need You”


Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Peru The Band

SONG: I Need You

HOMETOWN: Bayville, New York


AMBITIONS: to keep it at a metal & keep it clean. 

TURN-OFFS: Black lipstick & Pop Country music 

TURN-ONS: Pesto & sundresses 

DREAM GIG: Currently living The Dream 

FAVORITE LYRIC“Then she gets you on her wavelength/And she lets the river answer/That you’ve always been her lover/And you want to travel with her/And you want to travel blindly/And you know that she will trust you/For you’ve touched her perfect body with your mind.” – “Suzanne” by Leonard Cohen

SONG I WISH I WROTE: “A Song For You” by Leon Russell 

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Marc Maron, Clint Eastwood, Bob Dylan, Brian Wilson, and Chet Baker.

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE:  My favorite concert experience had to be when I saw Chris Cornell acoustic at Town Hall. That guy can sing his ass off.

I WROTE THIS SONG BECAUSE…I wrote this song with my buddy Anthony Natoli while on tour with Electric Six. Our van had just broken down in an Arizona trailer park in which the majrority of the residents who lived there consisted of elderly motorcycle enthusiasts. I couldn’t possibly think of a better way to deal with the situation than to write about it. There is a large possibility that this song is about a van. I’l leave it up to the listener to decide.