Daily Discovery: Orion Freeman, “Where We’re Going”

Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Orion Freeman

SONG: “Where We’re Going


BIRTHPLACE: My Dearma’s house, under a canopy of trees, into a tempest of emotions and thought / the City of Brotherly Shove.

AMBITIONS: Get free / enough $ to get fries with that.

TURN-OFFS: Cages and chains / an already eaten mango.

TURN-ONS: Open windows in the spring / Jessica Alba, from the back.

DREAM GIG: melodies intertwined with spirit, making love to flesh / opening for Justin Bieber.

TV ADDICTIONS: Pressing the OFF button / Thundercats.


PETS: Bob & Terry.

5 THINGS EVERY MAN SHOULD OWN: Integrity, at least 3 colorful scarves, the experience of feeling small, an escape route, a pocket full of seeds.

WORDS TO LIVE BY: get free / “If this gon be THAT kinda party, I’ma stick my *!@% in the mash potatoes!”

I WROTE THIS SONG: en route to HERE / as a personal attack on Michael Bolton.