Videos by American Songwriter
ARTIST: Kansas Bible Company
SONG: “Adios Amigo”
HOMETOWN: Goshen, Indiana
CURRENT LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee
AMBITIONS: International travel and tours
TURN-OFFS: Confederate flags, soggy French fries, traffic
TURN-ONS: Feminism, eastern Nashville, the beach, scifi
DREAM GIG: Rock show on the moon as Beyonce’s backing band
FAVORITE LYRIC: Distance has no way of making love understandable – wilco
SONG I WISH I WROTE: “First Cut is the Deepest” by cat Stevens
5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: John Cusack, John Denver, John Legend, John Lennon, and Joan of Arc
MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: I used to go to a bunch of hardcore punk shows in northern Indiana in the early 2000s. Those were pretty hit or miss, but they were something to do and they got me excited to play music.
I WROTE THIS SONG BECAUSE… I wanted to be able to say goodbye to all of the friends I’ve seen go off and do their thing. It’s a common theme in most people’s live to see their friends go somewhere new, chase a dream, and grow and change. I wanted to write a song that captures that bittersweet emotion of closure and the excitement of leaving on that next journey.
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