Daily Discovery: Jessica Frech, “Reality”

Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Jessica Frech


BIRTHDATE: October 30, 1991


AMBITIONS: To make music that makes people laugh and smile.

TURN-ONS: Someone fluent in Spanish.

TURN-OFFS: Mustaches.

DREAM GIG: Hosting Saturday Night Live.

TV ADDICTIONS: House, The Office

MY GO-TO FEEL GOOD RECIPE: Any kind of cupcake with cream cheese frosting.

PETS: 2 Bullmastiffs (Elvira and Rufus)

CELEBRITY CRUSH: Purrfect (Cee Lo Green’s Persian Cat)

5 PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Conan O’ Brien. Tina Fey. Amy Poehler. Zooey Deschanel. Ingrid Michaelson.

I WROTE THIS SONG: “Reality” was really an “escape” song for me. It’s all about knowing that there are brighter places and days. Honestly, I think the chorus hit me when I was sitting in class studying, so the song came from a large case of day dreaming.