Videos by American Songwriter
ARTIST: David Oakleaf
SONG: “Beautiful Vice”
BIRTHDATE: September 17, 1979
BIRTHPLACE: Independence, KS
AMBITIONS: To live, write, and play music as long as I can.
TURN-OFFS: condescending people
TURN-ONS: Someone who enjoys the simple things that life has to offer.
DREAM GIG: World Tour
MOVIES I’VE SEEN MORE THAN ONCE: Tombstone, The Big Lebowski, No Country For Old Men
CELEBRITY CRUSH: Charlize Theron
WHAT MAKES A WOMAN SEXY: A woman that shows her beauty from the inside out.
5 THINGS EVERY MAN SHOULD OWN: A good pair of cowboy boots, a reliable truck, a loyal dog, a gun, and land, if he’s able.
I NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT: the excitement of living another day.
I WROTE THIS SONG: about that special someone in my life.
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