Daily Discovery: Chris J Norwood, “How Am I Gonna Be Your Rock”


Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Chris J Norwood

SONG: “How Am I Gonna Be Your Rock”

HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas




TURN-ONS: Doughnuts

DREAM GIG: To play on an episode of Austin City Limits

FAVORITE LYRIC: “I’ve got reservations about so many things, but not about you” Reservations by Wilco

SONG I WISH I WROTE: “If I needed You” by Townes Van Zandt

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Jon Stewart, Bruce Springsteen, David Dark, Peter Case, and T Bone Burnett. Or if they’re not available; John, Paul, George, Ringo, and George Martin.

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Every Josh Ritter concert I’ve ever been to.

I WROTE THIS SONG BECAUSE… About a year and a half ago, after already a couple long frustrating years of trying, we became pregnant. We were of course thrilled and began preparing to become new parents. But within a couple months my wife miscarried and we lost the baby. We were devastated. It was one of the most difficult and trying seasons of our lives. As a husband, watching my wife go through that pain and heartache was gut wrenching. Out of that pain as a way to deal, I wrote this song, as songwriters do. At the time I didn’t have any answers and I didn’t know if everything would be ok, but I wanted my wife to know that I would always be there for her. So, I hope you enjoy it, and I hope that anyone who may have gone through a similar situation might find encouragement.