Daily Discovery: Charlie Abbott, “Sunday”


Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Charlie Abbott

SONG: “Sunday”

HOMETOWN: Madison, Wisconsin

CURRENT LOCATION: Nashville, Tennesee

AMBITIONS: Ultimately, I’d like to be an accomplished motivational speaker.

TURN-OFFS: Poor grammar and noisey eaters

TURN-ONS: Laughter

DREAM GIG: To play bass in Rage Against The Machine

FAVORITE LYRIC: “Since then, it’s been a book you read in reverse/So you understand less as the pages turn/Or a movie so crass, and awkardly cast/That even I could be the star.” – The Shins

SONG I WISH I WROTE: “Why’d You Want To Live Here” – Death Cab

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Isaak Brock, Michael Jordan, Ryan Adams, Billy Corgan, Franz Liszt

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: I got to see the Cold War Kids pretty early on.. It was at The Annex in Madison the same week “Hang Me Up To Dry” hit the radio. Amazing live performance, I’ll never forget it.

I WROTE THIS SONG BECAUSE: The “tap” was on so to speak. We wrote the bulk of this tune in rehearsal and I finished the lyrics quickly after. I was going through a break up at the time and this song really captured the essence of our relationship. I’d felt weak but after a while I learned to channel that into strength.