Daily Discovery: Caroline Spence, “That Necklace”

Caroline Spence2

Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Caroline Spence

SONG: “That Necklace”

BIRTHDATE: August 18, 1989

HOMETOWN: Charlottesville, VA


AMBITIONS: to be satisfied.

TURN-OFFS: arrogance, waxed eyebrows, flip flops, saying Bob Dylan “can’t sing” or that the Beatles are “overrated.”

TURN-ONS: humility, puns and/or dad-jokes, great sweaters, late-night country-western sing-a-longs.

DREAM GIG: The Ryman Auditorium.

FAVORITE LYRIC: “There’s one lesson I have learned / There ain’t no ash will burn.” – Walt Aldridge

CRAZIEST PERSON I KNOW: the crossing guard on the corner of Fairfax and 24th. She makes no sense and is so angry.

SONG I WISH I WROTE: “Landslide,” written by Stevie Nicks.

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Mary Oliver, Tina Fey, Bill Cosby, Jim from The Office (single), and Patty Griffin.

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: My dad took me to go see Pat Benatar at The House of Blues. We were in California on a vacation to Disneyland and I, somehow, came across an ad for the show and begged him to take me.  I think this was the very first time I asked to go to a concert. I’d seen plenty of concerts but they’d never been my discovery. I remember feeling the most intense combination of delight and anticipation at the thought of seeing “Love is a Battlefield,” “Hit Me With Your Best Shot,” or “We Belong” performed live.   I was the only kid in the whole place and people were giving my Dad a hard time about bringing a kid to a bar. He would just laugh and say “she brought me!” I don’t think I’ve ever felt cooler.

I WROTE THIS SONG: about the relics of relationships that we hold onto for lonesome reasons. More specifically, a silver necklace with a tree on it.