Daily Discovery: Caleb Groh, “Hapless Dreamer”


Videos by American Songwriter

Daily Discovery is presented by The Pub Deal. Win a $20,000 Publishing Contract from Secret Road Music Publishing, deadline May 31st 2014.

ARTIST:  Caleb Groh

SONG:  “Hapless Dreamer

BIRTHDATE:  7/8/91

HOMETOWN: New London, CT (born in New London, bred up and down the West and East coast, always on the water)

CURRENT LOCATION:  Nashville, TN (landlocked)

AMBITIONS:  Foremost, to be present.   Secondly, be ready for the future, and to think of the past least of the three- and to ride this life out, 300,000 mile style.

TURN-OFFS: Self-doubt, self-pity, and judgement of personalities one doesn’t relate to or understand. Is that too heavy?

TURN-ONS: Floral anything, gold glitter, warm hearts, girls who dig Zimmerman.

DREAM GIG:  Being anonymously rich and famous, while waiting tables in some small town to keep me humble (joke’s on them, you can’t fire me, etc.)

FAVORITE LYRIC:  Don’t have a single favorite, but eat this up: “God is a concept by which we measure our pain” -John Lennon

CRAZIEST PERSON I KNOW: My first boss nicknamed herself El Pollo, and she would often scream, “Strength to carry on!” and fall to the floor.  My little brother is crazier.

SONG I WISH I WROTE: The Swimming Song – Loudon Wainwright III

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Dick Van Dyke, Bonnie Hunt, Klaus Voormann, Roberto Benigni, and I just had dinner with my great friend(Cynthia)’s father, Mark Anderson, last week, but I would like to do it again. He talked about landscaping and Delphi in a way that almost made me cry.

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Having Bob Dylan peek out from behind the tour bus, give a little wave, and then dissolve into the Cincinnati night.


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