Daily Discovery: CADETS, “Float”


Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: CADETS (Josh Williams & Adam B Smith)

SONG: Float


HOMETOWNS: Atlanta / Cincinnati

CURRENT LOCATION: Atlanta / Nashville

AMBITIONS: fill the ears of every human walking the earth.

TURN-OFFS: people in a hurry

TURN-ONS: spicy food

DREAM GIG: Coachella, but in Japan… starry night sky with cell phones as far as the eye can see. It would be space in heaven and on earth.

FAVORITE LYRIC: Are you such a dreamer to put the world to rights I’ll stay home forever where two and two always makes a five (2+2=5 by Radiohead)

SONG WE WISH WE WROTE: hella good, no doubt

5 PEOPLE WE’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Tina Fey, Johnny Cash, Aziz Ansari, Gordon Ramsey, Neil Degrasse Tyson

OUR FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Recently…Sigur Ros, they are the “masters of the slow build”…And…Atoms for Peace, real instruments of real music

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