Up this week is the second installment of "Raw Talent," from our friends at D'Addario. In “Raw Talent,” the new improv song series presented by D’Addario Nickel Bronze, artists are given made-up song titles and challenged to write a song on the spot. Some artists take their time to think it up, some begin strumming in seconds. Either way, everything you see is what comes out naturally. No filters. No frills. Just real, raw talent. As an extension of D’Addario’s Nickel Bronze campaign, Reveal What’s Real, this new series gives a unique look into the songwriting process, exposing the authentic sound and unfiltered writing of some of the best acoustic players in the industry. In this episode, emerging artist Billy Strings makes up a song based on the prompt, “Take A Hike.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itwiSvw76Nw&feature=youtu.be Catch Billy Strings on tour this fall and check out his new album, Turmoil and Tinfoil, available now.