Bob Dylan Reveals Himself, Posts 4 Page Q&A on Website

Videos by American Songwriter

In anticipation of Bob Dylan’s upcoming studio album, now titled Together Through Life, the press-shy singer-songwriter has posted a four-page Q and A on The album drops April 28th, which we hereby rename Bob Dylan day.

Here’s but one juicy quote:

“There didn’t seem to be any general consensus among my listeners. Some people preferred my first period songs. Some, the second. Some, the Christian period. Some, the post Colombian. Some, the Pre-Raphaelite. Some people prefer my songs from the nineties. I see that my audience now doesn’t particular care what period the songs are from. They feel style and substance in a more visceral way and let it go at that. Images don’t hang anybody up. Like if there’s an astrologer with a criminal record in one of my songs it’s not going to make anybody wonder if the human race is doomed. Images are taken at face value and it kind of freed me up.”

Read the whole thing here:

What do you make of the new album cover?