Bizarre Cover Songs: Kids Incorporated, “Don’t Give Up”

There’s been some bizarre covers in pop music history, but this might win the prize.

Videos by American Songwriter

There’s been some bizarre covers in pop music history, but this might win the prize.

In 1984 there was a TV show known as KIDS Incorporated. A precursor to today’s Kidz Bop Kids phenomenon, the show featured precocious young tykes singing the pop hits of the day, no matter how ridiculous they sounded singing the lyrics.

Exhibit A: Jennifer Love Hewitt, at 10 years old, belting out Peter Gabriel’s ultra-dramatic “Don’t Give Up,” looking like she’s about ready to commit suicide.

Or how about Stacy Ferguson, now known to the world as Fergie, singing “Say You, Say Me,” to a clown.

KIDS Incorporated stayed on the air until 1993. Who knows…one day, it could make a comeback; it might even be a monster hit. But for now, nostalgia doesn’t come much stranger.