American Songwriter Live: Holly Williams

Singer-songwriter Holly Williams has quite the musical pedigree. Her granddad is Hank, Sr., her dad is Bocephus. And that’s a lineage that gets talked about – a lot. On her new album, The Highway, Holly pays tribute to her mom’s side of the family in the song “Waiting On June,” which tells the love story of her Louisiana grandparents, who were together “through a war and four babies.”

Videos by American Songwriter

Video shot and edited by Neal Dahlgren. Audio recorded and edited by Steve Martin.

6 responses to “American Songwriter Live: Holly Williams”

  1. amy

    that song is absolutely beautiful. what a true love story set in my home of northeast louisiana. it tells a common story here where love, family and faith are deeply seeded. thank you.

  2. Jim Maas

    Saw Holly and Chris do this in London, never heard it before an cried first time! The album is amazing, and this is the best one on the album! I walk around humming it all the time … but not as well. I can’t imagine a greater complement than having people all over the world singing about me after I’d gone. Well done Holly and Chris! Thanks

  3. Gorgeous piece, but didn’t make me cry. Does that mean I have no feelins?

  4. Audrey Pruitt

    Well for what its worth I cried like a baby,,, beautiful words, beautiful sentiment from a loving granddaughter.

  5. Daniel Allan Nance

    Great song and I know your granddad would be proud and Bocephus has got to be proud Holly.

  6. Charles Lewis

    I’m late to the music of Holly Williams. But I”m glad I finally caught up.

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