Daily Discovery: Amanda Broadway, “Real Thing”

Amanda Broadway
(Photo: Jon Karr)

Catch Amanda Broadway at Musicians Corner on May 25 in Nashville’s Centennial Park.

Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Amanda Broadway

SONG: “Real Thing”

BIRTHDATE: 1/20/86


AMBITIONS: Tour the world, sustain myself solely on music, always be happy

TURN-OFFS: Fake people & cigarettes

TURN-ONS: Real people & whiskey

DREAM GIG: The Ryman Auditorium

STARTED PLAYING MUSIC: First known recording is a cover of Xanadu at the age of three. Still trying to top that.

FAVORITE LYRIC: “Loving her was easier than anything I’ll ever do again” – Kris Kristofferson


SONG I WISH I WROTE: “Piece of My Heart”

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Etta James, My great grandmother, Bill Cosby, Anthony Bourdain, and I want to go to Red Lobster with Al Green. I hear he loves that place.

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: B.B. King at his club in Nashville. Amazing, intimate show and I got to shake his hand at the end.

I WROTE THIS SONG: about my love Mikie and our relationship. It’s the most real thing I’ve ever experienced. We recorded the song (and the video) at his studio in Nashville,  The Sanctuary. We cut it all live.