Press Release:
Raw Talent: The Improv Song Series, brought to you by D’Addario is returning for a second season on September 20, 2018.
John Oates, Raw Talent 2018
In Raw Talent: The Improv Song Series, D’Addario prompts acoustic artists with made-up song titles and has them improvise a song on the spot. Then, we capture what comes out naturally; no editing or revising allowed. This gives the audience an inside look at the songwriting process, revealing the real talent and innate charisma of the artists, showing all the reasons why D’Addario loves them.
Season Two will highlight seven artists from the 2018 Folk Alliance in Kansas City, Missouri. Artists include: John Oates, Anne McCue, Trout Steak Revival, Joe Langford, Courtney Hartman, Striking Matches, and The Mastersons.
All episodes will be released on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe to the D’Addario & Co. channel to get the latest video updates.