Abe Partridge Aims To Make A Difference In Response to Insensitivity

Abe Partridge has established himself as one of the most respected songwriters and visual folk artists the southeast. He hails from Mobile (AL) but is currently in Nashville (TN) working on another album. He had released his second full-length release, ‘Cotton Fields and Blood For Days’, just over two years ago to rave reviews and substantial airplay on Americana radio.

Videos by American Songwriter

His sound ranges from the earthy to the surreal, and has had his lyrics compared to Townes, Guy or Rodney hitting on spiritual high to the dark seeds of depression, Partridge draws listeners in with a combination of southern gothic storytelling, dry humor, and gripping intensity.

He is also a noted painter. His latest pursuit is to turn a negative into a positive after an image went viral of two police officers holding a “homeless quilt” present that they had made for a superior officer.

Abe was mortified by the recent actions of the two policemen inspiring him to paint a piece. He posted it on Facebook and the reaction was so strong that decided to put the painting on auction. He will donate 100% of the proceeds to McKemie Place, a homeless shelter for women.

As of today, the current bid is at $700.00. After the painting sells, he will sell signed prints and donate those proceeds as well. Additionally, $500 in donations have been made to the shelter in Abe’s name.

His comments on Facebook are as follows:

“I paint. I paint pretty stuff and ugly stuff.

A couple of local cops decided to make our community look very ugly by making what they called a “homeless quilt” out of signs of human desperation which they stole from homeless people. Then were pathetic enough to boast of their heartlessness on social media for the world to see in a posting that said “I hope you enjoy our homeless quilt”. It was horrible and ugly and I couldn’t resist painting it. I’ll post the story in the comments.

I’ve never been homeless, but I have been poor- just a broken leg or a car accident from not being able to afford housing. I can but only imagine the horrors that these people face.

The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath no where to lay his head.

I am going to donate whatever proceeds are made from this painting to a local homeless shelter.


Oh and one more thing, this is not an anti police post or a political post for that matter. This is a decency post. I ain’t here to debate with you on fbook. If you wanna talk privately, I am always down… but I do not engage in politics on social media. Again, Love.”

Abe Partridge shows his painting that is turning hate into good.

If you are interested in the bidding, it can be done here.