A Message from Rickie Lee Jones Seeking Donations To Her Fundraiser

With all tours cancelled, the legendary songwriter launches Living Room series to raise funds for herself and band

Rickie Lee in Malibu. Photo by Paul Zollo/American Songwriter.

Live From My Living Room – Rickie Lee Jones

RICKIE LEE JONES: Every other Friday night and the following Sunday matinee, I will perform musical feats, read from my upcoming autobiography. I can draw with both hands simultaneously, maybe I can show you that, too!

With my Spring and Summer tours cancelled I have lost all the sources of income that would have taken me through to the end of the year. That income not only sustains me but it pays for the musicians I hire on tour or in the studio – folks like Mike Dillion, or my tour manager Stephen Baker.

Business costs are high; they include hotels, airlines, salaries, ground transportation and much more. But these costs will only plague me if I get to go back work. When it is safe to work again it will take time to get bookings.

Facebook Living Room concerts are my only source of income right now. I hope to generate enough to pay my house mortgage, my car payment, my insurance and all the medical stuff old people end up paying for that medicare part B does not cover!


I do not know how I will make it through the year but I have faith. I am not worried. Yet.

I have created this fundraiser to generate the larger part of the next six- nine months monthly income – this, combined with the virtual concerts – may get me through the year. Once we get some shows lined up I should be able to make enough to hold out through the winter. 

–Rickie Lee, May, 2020

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