Jeffrey Foskett Breaks Down Tracks From His New Album, ‘Voices’

Jeffrey Foskett has had a career that many aspiring creative-types dream of. He has worked with the Beach Boys, America, Nancy Sinatra, Billy Joel, Chicago, Heart, the Everly Brothers, and many others, while also releasing an impressive collection of his own material.

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His latest album, ‘Voices,’ (which can be played on this YouTube list) highlights all of the wonderful nuances that makes Foskett a uniquely talented, if not supremely underrated, member of the music industry. The sound of his songs vary but always reveal similarities from his past works. It is a situation that makes you question whether he was influenced by others, or vise versa.

The 11-track songlist — technically it is 12, but one song is a 0:09 pop — has a variety that allows for different songs to make their way onto a wide array of playlists.

American Songwriter was able to catch up with Foskett, and asked him to describe the tracks in his own words!


“I saw Cecelio and Kapono on their first Mainland show at UCSB right after they finished recording their eponymous debut Album. ‘The Section’ was their live touring band but they would have been just as great as two guitar player singers.  Their songs are incredible and their voices beautiful. FEELIN’ JUST THE WAY I DO is the opening cut on their first record and it was the first song I heard by them. It has stuck with me ever since my first listen. I told Henry 45 years ago that I would cut one of his songs and release it. Henry is my longest friend in the industry. I am proud to call him a Friend for Life and have him duet with me on his beautiful song.”

ADIOS | Jimmy Webb

“I first heard ‘ADIOS’ when Brian was cutting Background vocals at Skywalker for Linda Rondstat’s version. It really put this hook in me. I love Jimmy Webb’s music and have been a fan since I first heard GC’s version of ‘Phoenix’. He is such a diverse writer. You can tell by the number of different singers (and their styles) who have covered Jimmy’s music just how complex he is. I chose not to use any Background Vocals on my version because after hearing Brian’s brilliant take on the Linda Ronstadt version, I thought “why compete with the Master?”. Fortunately I had Jim Hoke and his bag of tricks and my brilliant producer Jeff Larson to make a solo vocal version work.”

TRUE LOVE WAYS | Buddy Holly

“I kind of broke my own rule in recording this song. My rule is ‘Once the definitive version has been recorded, don’t mess with it’. Buddy Holly’s version and strangely Gary Busey’s version from the movie are both superb. I heard Rick Nelson’s version of this song and it was so different that I thought if I ever cut this song, it would be in that frame of reference. Years later, I am paying tribute to two of my early Rock and Roll Influencers, Buddy and Ricky. The song itself is beautiful (and this is my favorite Buddy Holly song) and played on a guitar only with voice would stand alone with no other production, so we kept it to a minimum on this version with only a couple of guitars, bass and Background Vocals.”

WARMTH OF THE SUN | Brian Wilson / Mike Love

“This song is so special to me. I would literally sit in front of my parents Magnavox Console Stereo and listen to this song and ‘DON’T WORRY BABY’ over and over. Both were on the first side of the SHUT DOWN VOL ll Record so it was an easy needle drop. I would marvel at BW’s lead vox and the vocal arrangement on the record. The melody is beautiful but the arrangement of the song with background vocals and the lyrics being sung makes this a stunning record. When I first joined The Beach Boys, Carl was on his solo tour so when we performed this song, I sang the lead vox.  What a thrill that was. When CW returned to the band, I naturally assumed he would take over the lead vocals but he graciously said ‘I think it sounds good with you singing lead’. Wow! I broke this version down to only guitar and voice. One of my favorite records that I have ever cut!”

Ultimately, ‘Voices’ a collection of songs, recorded over a long period of time, that is, in a way, a summation of Foskett’s deep affection for the art of harmony, the emotional pull of melody.

The complete album is available for purchase on his website.