Daily Discovery: The Breedlove Brothers, “Interstate Blues”


Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: The Breedlove Brothers

SONG: “Interstate Blues”

HOMETOWN: Cashiers, North Carolina

CURRENT LOCATION: Cashiers, North Carolina

AMBITIONS: To play more music for more people

TURN-OFFS: Requests for “Wagon Wheel”

TURN-ONS: Rye whiskey

DREAM GIG: Austin City Limits

FAVORITE LYRIC: “Blonde haired mama/Apartment two-thirteen/moves like a cobra snake/treats me like a king…” – “Blackjack Mama” by Townes

SONG I WISH I WROTE: “Elephant” by Jason Isbell. Three and a half minutes of beautiful, heartbreaking genius.

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Johnny Cash, C.S. Lewis, Ray Charles, Jim Morrison, Townes 

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Merle Haggard in Cherokee, NC, 2014. He commands a stage like nobody’s business.

I WROTE THIS SONG BECAUSE… Most of my songs speak a different sort of yearning; loss, regret, that kind of thing. I wanted to write something light-hearted.. I think this song has just enough of that yearning or longing spirit without complaining about anything.