Videos by American Songwriter
ARTIST: Austin Basham
SONG: “See You Soon”
HOMETOWN: Kingwood, Texas
AMBITIONS: Touring with amazing artists.
TURN-OFFS: Squeezing toothpaste from the center of the tube..
TURN-ONS: People living out their passions.
DREAM GIG: Suppose I’ll recognize it when I see it…some UK/Europe festivals would be fun though.
FAVORITE LYRIC: It’s nearly impossible to pick a favorite lyric.. too many good ones to choose from. With that said, here’s a lyric that I have always liked. “The pigeons half alive. The other half’s in bed. We’ll pray for the pigeon or half at least. And pray he’s not half dead.”
SONG I WISH I WROTE: “Song for Zula” by Phosphorescent
5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Apostle Paul, C.S. Lewis, Ernest Hemingway, Bob Dyan, Rick Rubin
MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Quite a while back I was with some friends at Emos on east 6th in Austin, Texas seeing Johnny Flynn play an acoustic set. He was playing on a small indoor stage for an intimate crowd of no more than twenty I’d say. While watching his set Jesse Plemons (Friday Night Lights), apparently also a big fan, randomly introduced himself to me and we soon began singing along to all of the songs. Towards the end of the set I glanced behind me only to recognize all of the members of Mumford & Sons standing behind me enjoying the show. Before I knew it Marcus Mumford made his way to the front to join his bud Johnny Flynn on stage for the last song of the night. Bizarre evening, but pretty awesome nonetheless.
I WROTE THIS SONG BECAUSE… Shortly after I met my girlfriend (now fiancé) I moved over to England for several months to write and record. Regardless of how inspiring it was over there, she wasn’t there, making the experience a bit difficult at times. Ha, and I suppose the rest is pretty self explanatory…
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