Daily Discovery: Charlie Oxford, “Drive Me Crazy”

SONG“Drive Me Crazy”

HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas

Videos by American Songwriter

CURRENT LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee

AMBITIONS: To continue to make records, hit the summer festival circuits, play with my favorite musicians and have a life long career.

TURN-OFFS: Smelly people. And people who can’t hear the volume of their own voice.

TURN-ONS: Thin Mint Cookies, sweet vintage guitars, my wifenot in that order of course.

DREAM GIG: Either The Ryman, or bringing Sam Cooke back from the grave to sing with him would be sweet!

FAVORITE LYRIC: Chris Stapleton- “Say the word and I’ll be there for you, Baby I will be your parachute.”

SONG I WISH I WROTE: Hall & Oats- You Make My Dreams

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Steve Jordan, Ryan Adams, Butch Walker, Grace Potter, Allen Stone.  It would be a party!

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Tedeschi Trucks Band at The Ryman.

I WROTE THIS SONG BECAUSE… A friend of mine was going through a rough time with a relationship and wasn’t able to see that the other person was oblivious to their actions on the relationship and the world around… then I turned it into a love song.

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