Daily Discovery: Brittney Bouchard, “I Will Be Yours”

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Videos by American Songwriter

Brittney Bouchard is an acoustic pop artist whose emotion-laced songs are transfixing. Her 2012 EP Addicted to Heartbreak set a high bar for her successive music. “I Will Be Yours,” Brittney’s new single, is available on iTunes.

ARTIST: Brittney Bouchard

SONG: I Will Be Yours 

BIRTHDATE: January 12th



AMBITIONS: To write a million more songs, perfect my craft, inspire others, start a charity, record an album for my band project jONNY CALiFORNiA, write songs for other artists, smile as much as possible, travel the world, make a living using my creativity and talents, make people laugh and uhhh…. save the world, make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race …

TURN-OFFS: Onions, negativity, laziness, and onions

TURN-ONS: Spontaneity, sense of humor, confidence and champagne

DREAM GIG: Perform and Host SNL

FAVORITE LYRIC: “Don’t worry, be happy”  – Bobby McFerrin


SONG I WISH I WROTE: If I Dye Young – Kimberly Perry 

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Kevin Hart, Katy Perry, Sia Furla, Max Martin, Dr. Luke and sushi !

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Almost anything at the Hollywood Bowl

I WROTE THIS SONG: I co-wrote “I Will Be Yours” with Mark Jackson & Ian Scott (aka MJ & iROCK) at a time when it felt like everything was falling apart…its about living in the moment, being a free spirit, chasing your dreams, and somehow finding love in the midst of all that…