Song Premiere: the Collection, “Capernaum”

The Artist: North Carolina-based orchestral-folk group the Collection
The Song: “Capernaum,” from their upcoming album Ars Moriendi
Fun Fact: There are 15 members in the band, and about as many different instruments.
Songwriter Says: “Right after I was given news my friend had committed suicide, I was having trouble just dealing. Everything seemed covered in death, and I had to get away, so I drove to the beach with twenty instruments and my computer in my car. I pulled out my guitar and just started singing about all the confusion I felt, and I quickly had the words and violin melody for Capernaum. Every time it started to feel beautiful, I threw it back off a cliff of chromatic scales, wrecked it on the rocks below. The song came quickly – I wrote, arranged, and demo-ed it in about 5 hours. Sometimes you just feel something so strongly, it’s dying to find a way out of you; it needs to find a way to breathe.”

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