ARTIST: Levi Weaver
Videos by American Songwriter
SONG: “Talk me Down”
AMBITIONS: To someday list my Turn-offs and Turn-ons. I’ve been waiting so lon–WAIT WHAT’S THIS?!
TURN-OFFS: YEAHHHH! OKAY OKAY I KNOW THIS ONE. *clears throat* Wait, how much space do I ha
TURN-ONS: …I ruined it. My one chance. All the miles traveled. All the time away from my family. Wasted…
DREAM GIG: (Ok, back to real answers) I would love to play a bill that was Ryan Adams, Damien Rice, Radiohead, Kanye, and me.
TV ADDICTIONS: I watch significantly more baseball than anyone I know. Also, Breaking Bad is back soon, you guys.
CELEBRITY CRUSH: Not really a “National” celebrity, but if you went to SouthWest Highschool or Texas A&M University, the term “Heather Chapman Eyes” probably means something to you. Well, it’s Heather WEAVER eyes now. I win!
MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: I got to see Nickel Creek in a venue that was under a train station in Glasgow, Scotland. Once in awhile, a train would go by, and the whole place would just rumble and shake. That was pretty magical. Not sure if that beats Live8 in London in 2005, though?
THE BOOK THAT CHANGED MY LIFE: “Fear and Trembling”, Søren Kierkegaard
5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: I think most people would list celebrities here, but that’s kind of a crapshoot. Like, there’s that pressure of “who’s going to pick up the tab”, and “did they both date Kim Kardashian at some point” (awkward), so I’ll go with 5 homeless guys, assume the tab is on the house, and just learn some things from them. (fingers crossed, hoping one of them is an expert in stowing away on trains, because… someday)
I NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT: I am far too absent-minded for there to be an honest answer to this question.
I WROTE THIS SONG:…about my wife. She didn’t marry an easy person to be married to, what with my world-weariness, idealism, and bouts with depression. (and absent-mindedness, and unfunny jokes, and…) She’s been a phenomenal partner, and I’m genuinely grateful for her.
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