4 of the Best Post-Punk Albums From the 1980s

The post-punk albums of the 1980s influenced an entire generation of new bands and genres, and many of those albums still have strong listening power today. If you want to learn more about the early days of pop-punk, check out the following four albums!

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1. ‘Closer’ by Joy Division

Would this really be a list of the most influential post-punk albums of the 1980s without mentioning Closer by Joy Division? Post-punk, at its core, was the eventual confrontation of the capitalistic, commercialized, and glorified lifestyle of the rock star, which punk before it eventually became as a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. With this definition in mind, Closer is the pinnacle post-punk album. There are no specific tracks that are essential listening for this album; it needs to be heard from beginning to end.

2. ‘Colossal Youth’ by Young Marble Giants

Young Marble Giants wasn’t around for long, but they did leave their mark on post-punk music history. Colossal Youth is a minimalist approach to the genre, without losing any of the elements that make a solid album. It’s a rhythmic, barebones record that has the addictiveness of a pop album without the actual pop.

3. ‘Deceit’ by This Heat

One of the more experimental approaches to post-punk, Deceit is a sonically sound album. This Heat managed to compact their harsh experimental noise leanings into something with a bit more melody and order. It’s strange and approachable all at the same time.

4. ‘This Nation’s Saving Grace’ by The Fall

The release of this 1985 album marked a new era for The Fall. They relied more on the work of guitar melodies and their singer’s vocals than they had in earlier works. The result is a post-punk album that sounds like your classic rock album; but it doesn’t lose its charm, message, or quality at any point.

Photo by Christopher Furlong

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