4 Bands Named After Obscure TV Show Characters

These days, we’re all experts on some Television show or another, from Mad Men to Yellowstone.

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You may have even been sitting on the couch one day, saying to yourself, “I should start a band called Tony Soprano.” Well, if so, you wouldn’t be alone. At least, not when it comes to the thought, “Hey, that character would make for a good band name!”

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In fact, as you can see below, there are a number of prominent bands who have chosen their monikers based on rather obscure television show references. Want to test your knowledge of sitcoms and music? Keep reading!

1. EVE 6

Fans of The X-Files unite! For those who watched the show closely, they’ll know about the episode in which genetically engineered women are called “Eve” and men are called “Adam.” During the show, we find out one of the genetically engineered women is, more specifically, called Eve 6. Seeing that, the band’s drummer Tony Fagenson was struck with band name inspiration.

2. The Bloodhound Gang

The Bloodhound Gang came from a skit on the PBS show, 3-2-1 Contact, which featured a group of nerdy kids who solved crimes with math. But the name also sounded “tough,” said the band’s guitarist Lupus Thunder. A rap outfit comprised of self-identifying dorks, it was a perfect fit.

3. Fall Out Boy

The Simpsons have legions of fans. But at the time the members of Fall Out Boy weren’t amongst the most ardent. However, when the group, at the time without a name, was playing its second show ever, they asked those in attendance for ideas. One big fan of the cartoon show shouted out the obscure name of the sidekick for the comic book-within-the-show Radioactive Man and the name stuck.

4. Minus the Bear

This Seattle indie rock group had a laugh and then had a name. They were aware of the ’70s sitcom that starred a truck driver who kept a pet chimp named Bear. Fast-forward to a night when someone who was friends with the group had gone out on a date. When they came home afterward, someone asked how the date had gone. The friend replied, “You know that TV show from the ’70s, B.J. and The Bear? It was like that, minus the bear.” Boom! Name, done.

Photo by Timothy Norris/Getty Images for Live Nation