3 Iconic Phil Collins Drum Parts–That Aren’t “In The Air Tonight”

“In The Air Tonight” undoubtedly features Phil Collins‘ most iconic drum line. That being said, it isn’t his only stellar fill! Time and time again we see Collins’ greatness get boiled down to that one hit. In an effort to herald some of his other work, find three other iconic drum fills from Collins, below.

Videos by American Songwriter

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1. “Easy Lover”

“Easy Lover” sees Collins team up with Philip Bailey of Earth Wind & Fire for an enticing duet. The intricacies of Collins’ playing cannot be denied, but he performs in a way that doesn’t distract from Bailey–the mark of a truly great duet.

She’s the kind of girl you dream of
Dream of keeping hold of
You’d better forget it
You’ll never get it
She will play around and leave you

2. “Watcher Of The Skies”

Lyrics as involved as those in “Watcher Of The Skies” can only be bolstered by instrumentation equally as complex. Collins hits that mark tenfold with his drum line on this track. The groove he develops here is the mark of true mastery of his instrument.

Judge not this race by empty remains
Do you judge God by his creatures
When they are dead?
For now, the lizard’s shed its tail
This is the end of man’s long union with Earth

3. “Behind The Lines”

Never has a 4/4 time signature sounded so intricate. Collins reinvents the wheel so to speak on “Behind The Lines,” taking a familiar beat and turning it into so much more than previously imagined. It might take a few listens to fully grasp this song, but it’s well worth the effort.

You gave me no reason, you gave me no warning
But I was with you by your side
Give me the strength, so I can help you
And I can be strong now, they don’t frighten me
It’s written in the book

(Photo by Graham Wood/Getty Images)